Discover our cookie policy

This policy aims to explain the use of cookies on the website

This cookie deposit policy has been drafted in accordance with the provisions of the amended Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC "ePrivacy," and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 "GDPR." Crédit Mutuel Arkéa also considers the guidelines and recommendations of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties ("CNIL") and the European Data Protection Committee ("EDPC").

For additional information on regulations related to cookies and trackers, you can visit the dedicated section on the CNIL website.



A cookie is a small text file transmitted to your web browser (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and stored by it when you visit websites or a mobile application, regardless of the type of device used (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.). This file allows tracking your navigation and proposing personalized content and advertisements.


What cookies are deposited during your navigation?

Cookies serve different purposes. We use two types of cookies on our site:

Technical cookies, essential for the site's operation and optimization of the site or mobile version. They cannot be disabled.
These include the following cookies:

Cookie Name :
-didomi_token / duration : 6 months
-jcms.prefs / duration : session
-JSESSIONID / duration : session
-cmarkeaDisclaimer / duration : 8 hours

-Audience measurement and user experience optimization cookies essentially aim to compile mass statistics to improve the quality of presenting our information or the ergonomics of our services. The deposit of this type of cookie is subject to your prior consent.

As of now, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa only uses the cookie from its partner Piano Analytics. This cookie enables audience measurement for statistical tracking (number of users, number of pages viewed, time spent, etc.). You can review Piano's GDPR and privacy policy.


Consent Management

Upon your first connection to the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa website or mobile site, you have the option to either accept or refuse all cookies, or customize your choices and decide whether to accept or reject the deposit of cookies based on their purposes. Your preferences are recorded and stored for a duration of 13 months. Once this period expires or the addition of a new purpose requiring your consent, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa will ask for your choices regarding the deposit of cookies.

In accordance with regulations, simply continuing to browse the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa website does not imply your acceptance.

You can modify your preferences regarding the deposit and use of cookies and similar technologies at any time by clicking on the 'Cookie Management' link at the bottom of our website.


Revision and Changes

The rules for managing cookies and audience measurement outlined above may evolve. All processing changes or revisions will be documented on this page and indicated by updating the publication date.

Publication date : February 20, 2024.