The medium-term plan, Transitions 2024, aims to implement our purpose within each of our businesses. It builds on the previous plan - Arkéa 2020 - which initiated a transformative dynamic in the business and positioned the banking group on a trajectory of sustainable growth. Transitions 2024 revolves around the following priorities

  • Operational implementation of the five commitments derived from our purpose,
  • Development challenges for our group,
  • Evolutions in the banking and insurance sector,
  • The reality of territories and clients,
  • Citizen expectations for companies to contribute to the economic, ecological, and solidarity revolution.

The goal of this plan is to make Crédit Mutuel Arkéa the agile financial partner for future transitions, in the service of territories and their stakeholders. It involves choosing a responsible growth strategy and seeking overall performance, balancing financial performance with positive impact. Developed collaboratively, Transitions 2024 reinforces our long-term trajectory and reaffirms the uniqueness of our model.

Strategic Axes Structuring "Transitions 2024"

Transitions 2024 aims to demonstrate our commitment to supporting environmental and territorial transitions through our offerings, businesses, practices, and relationships with clients, administrators, and employees.

Expand our Range of Offers and Services for Transitions



We aim to support the environmental and social transitions of our stakeholders and enable them to initiate their own transformations. This also involves offering solutions that promote inclusion and facilitate access to housing, education, and health.

Support the Responsible Development of Territories



Territories are essential to the balance and successful transformation of society. Already highly present, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa aims to intensify its contribution, particularly through financing levers and partnerships.

Personalize Customer Experience



In this domain, we seek to innovate in the use of data to better understand our customers and enrich our value proposition.

Develop Our Partnership Model



We aim to strengthen our commitments to the innovative ecosystem and establish new B2B and external distribution partnerships.