To concretize these commitments, the group has implemented several measures aimed at protecting its clients' interests, safeguarding its reputation, and guarding against any risk of sanctions. As a player in banking and insurance, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa engages in diverse activities that represent various challenges to assess.

As a value creator, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa operates with confidence by implementing applicable rules in combating corruption and influence trafficking, preventing and managing conflicts of interest, ensuring market integrity, exercising the right to blow the whistle, and implementing codes of conduct.

A dedicated training program involves all stakeholders in the group to raise awareness of the implications of non-compliance with ethical standards. As an illustration of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa's commitment to ethics and professional integrity :

The framework for combating corruption and influence trafficking

Summary of the framework for combating corruption and influence trafficking 
Summary of the "Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct" 
Gifts and invitations policy of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa 
Anti-corruption declaration of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa's executives 

The policy for preventing and managing conflicts of interest
Summary of the Group's policy for preventing and managing conflicts of interest 

The professional alert procedure
Summary of the professional alert procedure
Access to the alert system