Julien Carmona reappointed Group Chairman


Brest - 24 May 2024

Julien Carmona was reappointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa for a three-year term at the group's Annual General Meeting on 22 May.

Colette Séné and Luc Moal were also re-elected as directors of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa. The Board of Directors also welcomed three new members from the cooperative movement. They are:

  • Fabienne Richard-Velly replaces Yves Mainguet. Fabienne Richard-Velly is Head of Administration, Finance and Management at France Travail Bretagne (formerly Pôle Emploi).
  • Yvon Erhel succeeds Thierry Bougeard. Yvon Erhel is a retired teacher and researcher in the field of electronics and digital communications, mostly on secondment to the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan military academy.
  • Finally, the co-option of Stéphane Cloarec, who succeeded Marta Dias, was also ratified. Stéphane Cloarec is financial manager of the Le Kreisker school complex in Saint-Pol-de-Léon. He is also Mayor of Saint-Pol-de-Léon and Vice-Chairman of the Haut-Léon Community of Communes.