Crédit Mutuel Arkéa Participates in the "Digital Commons for Generative AI" Project


27/05/2024 - Crédit Mutuel Arkéa has joined the ArGiMi consortium, which has won the call for projects titled "Digital Commons for Generative Artificial Intelligence" launched by Bpifrance as part of the France 2030 initiative.

This ambitious project, led by experts from Mistral AI, Artefact, and Giskard, aims to revolutionize the industrialization of artificial intelligence by creating the next generation of French-language Large Language Models (LLMs), specialized to meet the needs of both the private and public sectors.

Definition: An LLM is a type of artificial intelligence model designed to understand and generate natural language. To be able to perform various tasks such as translation, text writing, question answering, and much more, these models must be enriched with a very large corpus of textual data.

Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is convinced that the future of AI lies in accessible and responsible solutions. This project, dedicated to open source, embodies our commitment to promoting ethical AI that adheres to regulatory standards and minimizes environmental impact.

For more information, an article has been published in Le Journal du Geek.